A New Year and a fresh start!

Terapiya Cattery would like to take the time to thank current owners, future owners and people who regularly follow us a happy New Year Ahead! We are pleased to announce we will be commencing a new, thorough breeding program in 2024-25. This is aiming to improve the overall breed in Australia. Russian Blues are such a precious cat that we have made it a mission to focus on improving the breed.

Things to be asking in the New Year to breeders:

-Cat blood typing (these can be AA, AB and BB) as well as their temperaments.

-The COI of a cat. This is a coefficient score of their pedigree and lower scores show better genetic diversity.

-Any known health issues and if there are concerns, a Vet health check in writing.

We are finding these are essential questions all potential Russian Blue owners should follow. These provide solid health of the cat throughout its lifespan and also aim to eliminate potential complications down the track.

We look forward to working with old and new owners in the coming New Year!


Happy New Year!!! And… we have some spare kittens!


Cat equipment 101!